Articles on: AI in Zoomerang

How to use Deform AI Tool on the App

Using Deform AI

Make your templates even more captivating by using Deform AI Tool

Open Zoomerang app, tap Home in the bottom left corner

Press the AI Studio section, then choose Deform AI

Choose the desired photo or video from your gallery, adjust the duration, choose the dimension

Tap Flip icon if you wish to flip over the project, and tap Next

In case you add a video, please select the frame from which you want the Deform AI to be applied, and press Select frame

You may check available Parameters to apply the desired conditions to your video/photo

Jumping to the important part, select either already predefined Style or write your own prompts

Currently, available styles are:
Barbie | Anime | Anime (old) | Cyberpunk | Comic Book | Atlantis | Aqua World | Sculpture | Retro Wave etc.

Press Generate and wait for the video

Here you can select either to save it on your device or share on other Social Media platforms
Note: Tap Generate caption button to create a perfect caption for your project

To edit your video, press the pencil icon in the top right corner

Note: The results of the video (when using your own prompts) solely depend on what you write, so be clear and precise as much as possible
Note: During the queue, please do not login/logout from your Zoomerang account

Updated on: 06/12/2024

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